Sunday, April 6, 2008

Microsoft creates new original media.

According to, Microsoft will be creating its own online media content across multiple platforms. Included in this is the Xbox 360 game console and the internet. To me this looks like another attempt for Microsoft to increase its advertising income by selling ad space during this original content. The thing that makes me unsure is how effective online shows are when it comes to reaching a large target. To me, reaching a specific target, it would be more than ideal because ad space in an Xbox 360 commercial will no doubt give a huge reach into a desirable target. I think it is prone to failure because I don't think a significant amount of people use the internet to watch shows. It would be very hard to get parents to sit down at a computer to watch a show and reach more of the market. I think it might be a wiser move for Microsoft to sponsor original content on regular television programming and more cable channels. It might be better to do something that more people have access to. We are all familiar to msnbc and its stance on news/the economy. If Microsoft did the same thing and it was more focused on comedy and drama television shows it would appeal to a greater amount of potential advertisers. While I can see how Microsoft is trying to predict a growing trend in online viewership, I think it is too soon to be effective. Maybe they are jumping in earlier because they didn't think the internet was going to be anything and were late to the game years ago.


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