Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nielsen Buys Into NeuroFocus

Did you ever feel like advertisers and companies are doing everything they can to "get into your head"? Well, in the case of the Nielsen Co., that's exactly what they are trying to do.

Last Thursday, Nielsen announced plans to join forces with NeuroFocus, a company that focuses on applying brainwave research to advertising and messaging. The company is based in Berkeley, California and will use EEG (electroencephalography) to directly measure the brain's reaction to stimuli. This "strategic investment" by Nielsen will help the company to gauge the feelings and attitudes of the viewers as they watch their favorite programs and intermittent advertisements.

Although term were not disclosed, the plan is to use specially designed baseball caps that NeuroFocis has planted wires in to monitor brain activity and track neurological responses to the programs being watched. They also intend to use other psychological tools such as eye tracking devices and galvanic skin response, which monitors the skins reactions to emotional arousal. The focus will be on bringing to market new "science-based products, services and metrics to clients in consumer packaged goods, television, film and emerging media." This will help to understand exactly what each type of consumer is most attracted to and what types of media are most engaging.

Having a bit of a Psych background myself, I think this will be an interesting study that will give marketers and researchers valuable data as far as what engages that brain, but I also feel that there may be a data overload. No two people think or feel exactly alike and therefore, researchers will have a hard time drawing conclusions about their findings. It may be difficult to divide people into accurate categories because of these inherent differences, thus making it difficult to know exactly what appeals to different viewer groups. At the same time though, I think it will be interesting to see what finding the teams come up with.


At February 11, 2008 at 12:14 PM , Blogger Chris Agostini said...

Does anybody else think this sounds eerily similiar to the plot in Batman Forever? Think about it, Edward Nigma creates a television tube thingy that lets everyone interact with their favorite shows and experience their deepest fantasies by reading and manipulating their brain waves. It sounds harmless at first. But then The Riddler (also Nigma) and Two Face use the device to steal everyone's personal information, including secrets and bank codes. Just a tad bit creepy. Now I'm not saying that this is going to happen in the real world, but if it does, I am NOT saving everybody again.

At February 12, 2008 at 6:30 PM , Blogger SaM sMiTh said...

Actually, that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I wrote this but I wasn't sure if anyone else would get the reference if I used it. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

At February 13, 2008 at 6:34 AM , Blogger Col (Col Reads) said...

All of the psychological measurements that Nielsen is planning on using has been part of academic research in the area of advertising -- in fact, across the spectrum of communications research -- for a number of years. PSU has the equipment in our own Media Effects lab, in fact. You did hit the nail on the head -- interpreting data is very difficult. But there are certain reliable parts of the brain for pleasure, stress, etc. That's the kind of data that Nielsen will be giving out. I assume the participants in the experiments will be well paid for their data, since the process is rather invasive!


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