Sunday, February 3, 2008

CBS Teams Up With TiVo

"CBS and TiVo have formed a research partnership in which the TV network will use TiVo's Stop//Watch service data to help it determine how to best structure its commercial pods going forward and how it can use interstitials to keep viewers, both live and time-shifted audiences, involved during commercial breaks." - MediaWeek

I think this was a pretty smart move on CBS's behalf. The DVR industry is still in its infancy and will continue to grow in popularity with its users. The ability to record shows and sitcoms gives the user a tremendous amount of freedom in regards to time usage. They're no longer restrained to the couch just because their 'can't miss' show is on. However, this relatively new entertainment device also 'allows' the user to simply skip through the commercials.

I say 'allow', because it has been found that a majority of the users don't skip the commercials. I would imagine that those who record the shows use the commercial breaks in a similar fashion as those who watch the show as it airs; making runs to the fridge or bathroom. If I were to guess, I would imagine the real reasoning behind CBS partnering with TiVo is not to better accomodate the user, but to reassure those who spend alot of money buying the commercial spots that their ads are still being viewed. I thinkDVRs could lead to large changes in the way companies approach putting advertisements in the TV medium. Will the spots on the shows that are found to be most DVR'd fall in price (as companies fear their spots will be simply forwarded through)? Will the medium return to having entire segments sponsored by an individual company, as opposed to the several spots placed throughout? It will surely be interesting to see what will happen.


At February 6, 2008 at 2:32 PM , Blogger heatherweaver said...

I agree that this was a smart move on CBS' part. Tivos an DVRs are the big thing right now. Also consumer tend to forget that they are watching a recorded show and end up watching the ads anyway because they forget to fast forward. Maybe as this technology becomes older this such thing might decrease. But then again there are always those people out there who just love to watch the commericals just to see what other people are doing. I know I'm one of those people guilty of not fast forwarding but then again I feel if I want to be in advertising then I will need to be watching those ads to keep up with the new creative stuff out there. I don't think Tivo and DVR will put an end to tv commercials, well at least not any time soon.

At February 11, 2008 at 3:19 AM , Blogger Col (Col Reads) said...

Really interesting post. I wonder how much pressure this will put on stars of television shows to be part of the advertising -- messing with people who might want to fast-forward by making them think they've hit content. TV might take a lesson from radio -- audiences pay more attention to spots when the hosts of their favorite radio shows read them!


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