Sunday, February 10, 2008

Moooove over, Advertising coming through!

If you ordered a hamburger and the patty was purple, it would mean one of two things; 1) There is something very wrong happening at the restaurant or 2) the meat came from purple cows. However, there are no purple cows, right? Wrong!, an internet casino, has redefined the nature of advertising. After winning an eBay auction that granted them certain abilities, they decided to paint 100 cows purple and allow them to graze near a major highway in Florida. The idea of purple came from a literal interpretation of author Seth Godin’s “purple cow” marketing analogy. The analogy brings forth the issue of advertising clutter, relating them to a field of grazing cows. The only way you will stand out is to make your cow purple.

For those who have issues with this and feel as though advertisers have taken this too far, you should know that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is backing the campaign completely. Why? I believe it is a business deal between PETA and It is made evident by’s obligation to place the phrase “Go Veg” on some of the cows.

Information received from, and

What do I think?

Coming from some one that is studying and pursuing advertising; I think that advertisers need to limit their advertising for maximum effect. I think that there should be regulations to the amount of medium a campaign can use to help eliminate clutter. We should not have to resort to using our animals to advertise for us. Next thing we know, companies will be training birds to fly banners around the skies.


At February 11, 2008 at 10:44 PM , Blogger Wieden+Kennedy/Nike said...

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At February 11, 2008 at 10:45 PM , Blogger Wieden+Kennedy/Nike said...

According to PETA it is "better to paint the cows than eat them". While, it was a witty idea to use the purple cow analogy literally, I didn't find the connection between painted cows and vegetarianism very convincing; and from people who fight for the ethical treatment of animals, i didn't think that the use of live cows as billboards for a casino was a very ethical move, either.

At February 14, 2008 at 12:04 PM , Blogger Alison said...

I agree. I don't really see a clear connection with the cows to any of it. For someone who isn't familiar with the idea, it really makes no sense. And as far as media clutter goes, the cows are definitely only making things more ridiculous. I think there are better ways to make ads stand out among clutter that don't have to involve live animals.

At February 17, 2008 at 4:58 PM , Blogger Kiri Luszczak said...

I don't quite understand why people are beginning to use animals as advertisement, but if the whole campaign is to promote people to not eat meat anymore, I am all for it. I do understand that this is a new kind of medium for advertisers, but we are still "using" the animals for our benefit. I have researched plenty of times and they are a group of which they do promote a lot of positive things in our country and they have been very successful. I do not believe they would do anything the PETA would look down upon, but the connection just seems a little bogus to me.


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