Friday, February 22, 2008

Effectiveness of TV advertising is decreasing

The impact of television advertising has declined over the last couple of years.

That is according to a recent study from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and Forrester Research, which has revealed that 62 per cent of marketers maintain that television advertising has become less effective in the last two years.

It was also discovered that advertisers were keen to experiment with new ad formats, with 65 per cent saying that they would like to try ads in online television shows.

A further 43 per cent of advertisers said they were eager to try interactive television ads.

Commenting on the findings, Bob Liodice, president and chief executive of the ANA, said: "As marketers embrace the richness of new advertising avenues outside of the traditional TV format, the TV industry is working to address marketers´ issues related to ratings and the changing TV landscape.

"Marketers, in collaboration with the TV industry, will continue to find the most effective and innovative ways to reach their customers through the TV medium, utilising the emerging technologies available to them."

This article was interesting because it seems to reveal what we all thought was coming that the internet is going to be if not, already, larger and more influential than TV. For so many years TV ran the ad scene and now I feel that unless newer and more innovative advertising is created, the net will be more of an effective source for advertising.


At February 23, 2008 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Crystal said...

I feel that this article definitely had some validity to it. Internet is a huge medium that in the past was predicted to overtake much of the advertising world, and it is definitely living up what they have predicted. However, although there maybe proof that televisions effectiveness is decreasing I don’t believe that the internet will be so effective that television won’t be prosperous to advertisers anymore. I believe that advertisers and marketers are engaging in new advertising techniques, on line, because perhaps the media is becoming somewhat board of the traditional television advertisements. Although, this may be true, despite what studies show I still believe television is more effective only because I think people like what they know and people know television (not to say that they don’t know the internet) it is just that currently I believe more of the media is familiar with television, for example the older generations ( age 60 and up) and the younger generations ( age 8 and down). Although, this maybe small target audiences, I still believe TV is the way to go, but I do agree that advertisers and marketers need to start coming up with more innovative ways to grab the media’s attention.

At February 23, 2008 at 12:48 PM , Blogger Chris Agostini said...

The internet may be television's biggest friend and enemy. First, the two work well together in an advertising campaign to get the audience to use both mediums. Think of how many advertisements provide a web site that you can access to learn more about the topic or service OR how many television shows are now offered on-line. On the other hand, the internet is hurting television's advertising effectiveness because of what I mentioned above - a lot of what we see on television is also on-line. Back in the 1990s, there use to be Must-See Television and Appointment Viewing. Not the case anymore. Take LOST, by far the most popular show on right now. If you miss it on Thursday night, you can watch it at any time during the week on your computer. And when an advertisment pops up during the episode, you can check your e-mail or surf the web until it is over.


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