Sunday, April 22, 2007

Rating Discrepencies in Interactive Media

The methods of data-gathering being used in online advertising by Nielsen//NetRatings and comScore are being heavily criticized by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Measurements in question include web sites’ monthly unique users and page views. Randall Rothenberg, President of the IAB, points out that interactive is currently the only advertising medium that doe not receive audited numbers from its measurement suppliers. The main audience measurement companies still rely on panels to measure interactive media, which is a media-measurement technique invented for the radio industry seventy years ago. The methods being used are said to be outdated despite promises of change in the past. The two firms are being urged to take immediate action by undergoing Media Ratings Council audits and voluntary participation in a measurement summit to be held soon. There are great disparities when it comes to the traffic numbers tracked by major websites and data from both companies, which track and report data much differently. Rothenburg says that “Discrepancies as wide as the ones we are seeing are unacceptable.”
It is interesting to see that ratings and media measurements are not quite keeping up with the availability of interactive advertising techniques. This issue, if not resolved soon and effectively, may keep media planners from choosing interactive advertising for their media mix. Also, if a more effective measurement technique can be developed, it may cause interactive advertising to increase or decrease in price because of more accurate measurements with actual numbers. Although there is no way to accurately compute reach and frequency for this medium, according to Rothenburg, measurement companies are not using the means available to get the most accurate results possible for advertisers.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bravo, "Bravo."

The April 12th, 2007 online issue of MediaWeek announced that Bravo Television Network has planned a new programming schedule to attract a new market that they call the “Affluencers.”
The “Affluencers,” women 18-49, are the product of higher education, earn a comfortable salary of $75, 000 annually, and are trendsetters among their demographic. To reach this target more effectively, Bravo is creating new original programs, set to air on Thursday nights, while maintaining the schedule for its widely successful shows like Top Chef and Project Runway, which air on Wednesday nights.
By scheduling a lineup of new, original series to air on Thursday night, advertisers on the Bravo network will be able to place advertisements related to weekend activities (going to the movies, shopping, spending money in general) closer (in time) to the weekend itself. The network is also placing a greater emphasis on digital elements like blogs and websites which include interactive elements to encourage viewer involvement while, and after, programs are airing. Alongside digital elements, Bravo also plans to add more mobile opportunities to the mobile Web sites they have already put in place.
It is obvious that the network has successfully conducted and analyzed research that resulted in a very specific target audience. Because the network has data showing a growth in the market of women 18-49 by 19% in just the first quarter of 2007, I think the decision to create more programs similar to those already popular with this market will pay off for both the network and advertisers. The new schedule, airing the new programs on a prime night of the week like Thursday, provides advertisers the opportunity to increase recency with their ads closer to times of purchase.
The plan’s use of internet, digital and mobile elements will also likely be effective considering that a large percentage of their target market has already shown interest and involvement in the blogs already created by Bravo to operate in-tune with their more popular programs.
Overall, I think Bravo’s new schedule and their plans to involve more digital and mobile elements in order to attract the target market of “Affluencers” is well thought out and planned, and includes many elements which will allow them to increase reach in as many ways possible.

The MediaWeek article can be accessed through the following link:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hearst Company's Green Website

Hearst magazines have announced plans to release a new consumer web site based around the idea and rise of environmental consciousness in the United States. Since it has become a fast moving trend to become environmentally friendly and lead a more Eco-friendly lifestyle Hearst magazine has decided to launch this new website to promote ecological awareness. The site will cover issues such as what to eat naturally, recycling methods, energy- consciousness and much more. The site is said to launch on Earth Day, April 22nd.

Hearst launched this new website in the middle of an uprising of global awareness among U.S. citizens. Hearst say’s they are promoting this new web site because consumers need as many trusted sources as possible while attempting to live a more environmental friendly lifestyle. “As the movement to more earth-friendly living has become more mainstream, there is enormous need for actionable, accessible advice on how to live a greener life,” said Daily Green founder Barrow. The new website will also include blogging, in order for top professionals to give their opinions and facts to current issues surrounding the environment.

The Hearst Company is involved in many aspects of the media including newspapers, magazines, broadcasting, entertainment and syndication, and many other business oriented aspects of media. This new website will enable Hearst Company to receive more reach for their company. By reaching out to environmentally friendly individuals the Hearst company is speaking to a new demographic of people. Individuals who gaze through will now be inclined to look at the rest of what the Hearst Company has to offer which will attain more reach.

The timing is perfect to release this new web site, just as the weather is becoming warmer and the summer months are right around the corner. Individuals tend to become more health conscious and exercise more as the weather gets more pleasant and it is almost time to get into a bathing suite. This site will be great for individuals who are trying to shed some of the winter weight they have attained over the past few months. Geographically, I believe that the Hearst Company will advertise throughout the United States, but focus on places in which the company knows there are more environmentally friendly persons from past and present research.

The purpose of the launch of is intended to reach more people and not so much to gain more frequency. To promote the new site, Hearst said it plans to feature select Daily Green editorial in House Beautiful each month as well as on other Hearst magazine Web sites and on top social networking sites MySpace and Facebook, where the company can obtain reach to a younger generation of people. This new website will help the Hearst Company to have a positive appearance in the eyes of both the consumer and the media.