Rating Discrepencies in Interactive Media
The methods of data-gathering being used in online advertising by Nielsen//NetRatings and comScore are being heavily criticized by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Measurements in question include web sites’ monthly unique users and page views. Randall Rothenberg, President of the IAB, points out that interactive is currently the only advertising medium that doe not receive audited numbers from its measurement suppliers. The main audience measurement companies still rely on panels to measure interactive media, which is a media-measurement technique invented for the radio industry seventy years ago. The methods being used are said to be outdated despite promises of change in the past. The two firms are being urged to take immediate action by undergoing Media Ratings Council audits and voluntary participation in a measurement summit to be held soon. There are great disparities when it comes to the traffic numbers tracked by major websites and data from both companies, which track and report data much differently. Rothenburg says that “Discrepancies as wide as the ones we are seeing are unacceptable.”
It is interesting to see that ratings and media measurements are not quite keeping up with the availability of interactive advertising techniques. This issue, if not resolved soon and effectively, may keep media planners from choosing interactive advertising for their media mix. Also, if a more effective measurement technique can be developed, it may cause interactive advertising to increase or decrease in price because of more accurate measurements with actual numbers. Although there is no way to accurately compute reach and frequency for this medium, according to Rothenburg, measurement companies are not using the means available to get the most accurate results possible for advertisers.